The valuation company “REC-INVEST” LLC formed its activity according to the charter being state registered in 2002. The legal and physical entities have been rendered service in our country by our Company over the past period in the direction of valuation of different property types according to the Law “On Valuation activity” of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the International Valuation Standards (IVS), the professional valuation rules of other international valuation unions on property valuation.
The company is a member and founder of Azerbaijan Valuators Company since it has begun its activity, and of the Public Union “Participants of Property Market” since 2004. The Company has participated in some local and foreign events during the activity period, has established relations with the international companies. It is one of the lawyer valuation companies of Azerbaijan Mortgage Fund established attached to the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan since 2006.
It was supplied with the certificate on quality management system ISO 9001-2008 since 2011.
At the same time there has been information on Company that is famous for its valuation activity in the print information sources within the country and in the International internet resources.